



  • 这是她说的一段话:She is special Barbie made for a birthday. It was the attractiveness that was not different from a formal image. Shes really pretty,I love her pink lips[调皮],I think she must be the prettiest all[得意], I forgot so easy how beautiful can be Barbie, This is amazing[玫瑰]
  • 感觉这个人说的英语也就马马虎虎吧,用词和表达方式不怎么地道,也有语法错误。比如Ipickforgot so easy 这样的。


  • 肾病医院用英语如何表达才是最准确,最地道的?求高人指教!
  • 翻译成:Kidney disease hospital


  • 比如当科比一拿球进攻,主队球迷就喊Kobe sucks. 但guoan sucks貌似不足以反映出国安的傻逼本质。请不要神翻译,要严肃。
  • 哈哈,你可以试试喊 GUO AN FAGGOTS 或者是 GUO AN PUSSY

地道英国学生 VS 高考英语,谁会赢?

  • 我是想说,有较强的英语口语能力,能轻松应对中考或高考吗??
  • 中国学生会赢


  • 有一首歌一直环绕在你脑海中,请问地道的英语中用哪一个单词表达?this song is —me. 谢谢!
  • Theres a song always echoing in my head.


  • 我站在古人一定站过的那些方位上,用与先辈差不多的黑眼珠打量着很少会有变化的自然景观,静听着与千百年前没有丝毫差异的风声鸟声,心想,在我居留的大城市里有很多贮存古典书籍的博物馆,讲授古文化的大学,而中国文化的真实步履却落在这山重水复、莽莽苍苍的大地上。“多情应笑我早生华发”,对历史的多情会加重人生的负载,由历史沧桑感引发出人生沧桑感。
  • 我站在古人一定站过的那些方位上,用与先辈差不多的黑眼珠打量着很少会有变化的自然景观,静听着与千百年前没有丝毫差异的风声鸟声,心想,在我居留的大城市里有很多贮存古典书籍的博物馆,讲授古文化的大学,而中国文化的真实步履却落在这山重水复、莽莽苍苍的大地上。“多情应笑我早生华发”,对历史的多情会加重人生的负载,由历史沧桑感引发出人生沧桑感。I stood in the direction of the ancients must stand,With our ancestors almost black eyes looked very little will change the natural landscape,Listen without the slightest difference and thousands of years ago into the wind,Thinking,In the big city where I have a lot of books, there are a lot of museums in the classical books,University of ancient culture,The Chinese culture real walking behind the earth, luxuriant mountains multiply and streams double back."Sentimental should laugh at me as early as huafa",The sentimental of history will increase the load of life,From the historical vicissitudes of life, a sense of life.


  • 这是中国历史文化的悠久魅力和它对我的长期熏染造成的,要摆脱也摆脱不了。每到一个地方,总有一股沉重的历史气压罩住我的全身,使我无端地感动,无端地喟叹。常常像傻瓜一样木然伫立着,一会儿满脑章句,一会儿满脑空白。
  • This is the old charm of Chinese history and culture and its impact on my long-term infection causedTo get rid of it can not get rid of.Every place,There was a heavy historical total pressure covering my body,I have no reason to make the move,No reason to sigh.Often callous stands like a fool,While full brain Chapters,While full brain blank.


  • 如果辉煌的知识文明总是给人们带来如此沉重的身心负担,那么再过千百年,人类不就要被自己创造的精神成果压得喘不过气来?如果精神和体魄总是矛盾,深邃和青春总是无缘,学识和游戏总是对立,那么何时才能问津人类自古至今一直苦苦企盼的自身健全?
  • If brilliant civilization of knowledge always gives peopleSuch a heavy physical and phychological burden,Then another thousands of years pass,Is it true that humans own spiritual achievements will let humansBe overwhelmed?If spirit and physique are always in a contradict situation,Depth and youth always miss,Learning and games are always opponents,So when can humans find, from the ancient until now,The way to keep their own fit anticipated for a long time?


  • (注:“喰种”&"食尸鬼“都即为Ghoul)在东京街头,一群成谜的吃人怪人“喰种”正悄悄在人类世界扩张他们的势力──平凡的大学生金木研因为遭到喰种猎食而性命垂危。医生为他进行了器官移植手术,然而器官提供者其实是喰种…。在病床上醒来的金木很快就感觉到身体不对劲,原本记忆中美味的食物全都走味到难以下咽。一开始,即使好几天不吃东西他也不会饿,但不久,激烈的空腹感开始折磨他。当他意识到,能引起他食欲的对象只剩下街上错身而过的男男女女。在群众中潜伏着,狩猎着人类,这个吞食着死尸的怪人,人们称其为食尸鬼,在青年和怪人相遇之时,充满波折的命运的齿轮开始转动了!
  • In the streets of Tokyo,A group of a mystery man eating freak "Can kind" was quietly in the human world to expand their influence—Ordinary college students because Jin Muyan was Can for hunting and dying。The doctor organ transplant operation for him,However the organ provider was actually Can kind。。。Jin Mu soon felt something was amiss when he woke up in a hospital bed ,The original memory of delicious food all stale to hard to swallow.For a start,Even for several days without eating anything he was not hungry,But soon,The intense sense of fasting began to torment him。When he realized,it really could caused the object of his appetite only street on the wrong body and the men and women。Lurking among the masses,Hunting humans,The devouring corpses weirdo,People called it the Ghoul,When the youth and eccentrics meet each other, full of twists and turns of the gear of fate began to turn!