指人民大众的拥护或反对。 向:归向,指拥护;背:背离,指反对。出自宋·魏了翁《鹤山文集》。用作主语、谓语、宾语;指人民对事物的态度。引用:明·余继登《典故纪闻》卷四:“顾自古国家未有不以勤而兴以怠而衰者,天命去留,人心向背,皆决于是。” 译文:所以自古以来国家没有不是因为勤勉而兴盛,因怠惰而衰败的,上天决定一个国家的存亡,百姓的忠诚与背弃,都决定于此。
(Excerpts from Remaining of One Heart with the People by Tongxin, Qiushi Journal, No. 04, 2021)
The survival of the Party depends on the backing of the people
As an old Chinese saying goes, “Those who win the people’s hearts win the country, and those who lose the people’s hearts lose the country.” In the historical process from revolution, to reconstruction, to reform, it is precisely by relying closely on the people that the CPC has grown from small to big and from weak to strong, overcome one obstacle after another and achieved victory after victory, developing from a party that at first had just over 50 members into the world’s largest governing Party with tremendous global influence. After the failure of the Great Revolution, most of the more than 300,000 revolutionaries who laid down their lives were ordinary people following the Party on the path of revolution; during the Red Army period, the people served as the impregnable fortress of the Party and the people’s armed forces; during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, our Party mobilized the people and overwhelmed the aggressors with a people’s war; the Huai-Hai Campaign was won with the help of ordinary people pushing wheelbarrows sending supplies for the People’s Liberation Army, while the Yangtze River Crossing Campaign was won by ordinary people steering boats; the success of socialist revolution and reconstruction was achieved through the people’s efforts; and millions upon millions of ordinary people played the starring role in the saga of reform and opening up. Xi Jinping has said, “If you open your heart to the people, the people will open their hearts to you.” The survival of the Party depends on the backing of the people. By earning the people’s trust and gaining their support, the Party can overcome any challenge and prevail in all endeavors.